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Get Paid to Market Your Agency!

Tracy Oestreich

What is the PIA Marketing Reimbursement Program and the Partnership Reimbursement Program all about?

By Tracy Oestreich, CIC, AU, CPIA, CPIW

PIA National Director for Wisconsin

Are you aware that PIA has 2 programs to help PIA members get back to business as we all recover from the Global COIVD-19 pandemic??  PIA Members may participate in both programs, getting separate reimbursements.  I’d like to share details on the 2 programs; 1) Marketing Reimbursement Program and 2) Partnership Reimbursement Program.

  • MARKETING REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAMThis program provides a $250 reimbursement for purchases made thru the PIA DMV:  PIA’s Direct Marketing Vault or thru PIA’s Design & Print Services.

Option 1The PIA DMV:  Direct Marketing Vault.

The PIA DMV enables PIA members to launch hybrid print/digital marketing campaigns to households grouped together in USPS postal routes.  PIA members can use an existing PIA template (turnkey) or create a custom message of their own.  By using the online portal, PIA members can select 1 or more postal routes to include in their marketing campaign.  Their postcard is mailed to each household in the selected postal routes.  Digital ads are also then delivered multiple times to computers, tablets, and smart phones in those same households using geofencing technology.  The PIA members using the PIA DMV never need to leave their desks to implement an easy but robust marketing campaign targeting their local community or other chosen target market.   Check out the informative videos and detailed explanations with step by step guides to help you set up your very own targeted digital & direct Mail campaign and get $250 reimbursement toward it.    Please see

Option 2 –PIA Design & Print Services.

PIA members needing marketing materials that are more customized can look here.  Some examples include social media graphics, flyers, brochures, advertisements or even a newsletter, tradeshow displays or even promotional items.  PIA’s team of designers will help PIA member’s draft, copy and design awesome marketing pieces.

Please see

  • PARTNERSHIP REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM: This program provides a $250 reimbursement for purchases made through the PIA’s Partnership’s 2 programs:  Agency Journey Mapping and  Winning@Talent.

Option 1 – Agency Journey Mapping or Perpetuation Planning

Are you planning for the eventual sale of your agency, planning for the unexpected, or just to value your agency?   This program will help to put you on the right path.  The program will help you understand the challenges and best practices of agency ownership transfer so you can create a perpetuation succession plan for your agency.  You will receive access to many tools to help you through the process.  Even if you are NOT ready to perpetuate, this program will help you to strengthen your agency so you become a better partner to your insureds, your carriers, your employees, and your community.


Option 2 – Winning@Talent – an agency hiring program

This program is the independent agents’ guide to help/advise on hiring, motivating, and retaining the best agency employees.  It offers a 3-part toolkit that features intuitive tools taking agency employers through a journey that starts with determining if their agency is well-positioned to attract quality candidates.

  • Part 1, Are you Ready to Recruit? focuses on helping an agency assess their employer brand so it can see their agency the way prospective employees see their agency.   
  • Part 2, Sourcing, Recruiting & Hiring, focuses on sourcing potential hiring prospects, recruiting them into your agency, and ultimately hiring them.
  • Part 3, Retaining your Best Employees, focuses on how an agency can retain their best employees.

These programs are made available to PIA members through generous donations from the following PIA Partnership carriers:  National General Insurance, Progressive Insurance, State Auto Insurance Companies, and West Bend Mutual Insurance Company.  PIA thanks these companies for their support of professional insurance agents.  Keep watching for more new programs to come our way!

Important terms and conditions include current PIA National membership is required to participate in the reimbursement programs.  Two reimbursements per National A1 member agency, one for the Marketing Programs and one for the Partnership Programs.  Reimbursements will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis until available funds are depleted.  You will need your National A1 member ID number to participate.

Get started now!!  To learn more about the services I have shared with you and how you can claim your member reimbursements, please go to:

Thank you and know that we at PIA are here to help support you with education, advocacy, and collaboration.

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