Capitol Update: Two PIA-Backed Bills Signed Into Law
On Wednesday, December 6th, PIA leaders joined Governor Tony Evers in his office for the signing of two different PIA-backed bills at the Wisconsin State Capitol.

Teaching Students Financial Literacy
The first bill will require students to obtain ½ credit of financial literacy education in high school in order to graduate. Students in high schools throughout Wisconsin (starting with the class of 2028) will now be required to take a course that will touch on vitally important financial literacy topics such as credit, debt, money management, and risk management & insurance. Having students learn the importance of their financial decisions and about the long-term impacts it can have lays a foundation for more financially responsible Wisconsinites. The bill is now 2023 Wisconsin Act 60 and was authored by Representative Dallman (R – Green Lake) and Senator Ballweg (R – Markesan). PIA is ecstatic to see the passage of another one of our core issues from our Advocacy Day!
Educating Future Drivers
The second bill creates a driver education grant program in the Department of Transportation. This exciting initiative will use funds allocated in the 2023-25 biennial budget to provide grants to students who qualify for free or reduced-priced lunch under the federal school lunch program. Students and advocates sharing testimony through the process highlighted how common it is for students to forgo driver’s education due to cost or to even drive without a license. This new program aims to provide formal instruction to those who otherwise would be unable to afford the course and behind-the-wheel instruction. PIA is hopeful that the creation of this program will help to increase the number of safe drivers on the road and reduce reckless driving. This PIA-supported legislation was signed into law as 2023 Wisconsin Act 86 and was authored by Representative Donovan (R - Greenfield) and Senator Knodl (R – Germantown).
PIA Executive Director Pete Hanson and Communications Director Natalie White were also on hand to celebrate the victories.
"Both of these bills are great victories in educating young people on the importance of responsibility - both with their finances as well as with safe driving habits on our shared roadways," said PIA Communications Director Natalie White. "More insured, safe drivers is something to strive for."
Thank you again to the bill authors and to all the legislators who supported this important legislation through the process.
Continue to follow the progress of PIA priority legislation here on the blog and in the Wisconsin Professional Agent!