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DOL and EBSA Issue Updated Guidance on Group Health Deadline Extensions

March 10, 2021

On February 26th, 2021, the United States Department of Labor and Employee Benefits Security Administration issued new guidance regarding group health plan deadline extensions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This new guidance can be found HERE. Previous guidance had extended deadlines for employee benefit participants including timeframes for electing COBRA continued health coverage, making COBRA…

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Construction & Insurance – Free Legal Webinar

February 22, 2021

Rather than slow down, as many industries did during the COVID-19 pandemic, construction work and volume has actually increased. Therefore, it is more important than ever for agents who write in the construction business to make sure that they have a solid legal background of the industry. There is a free legal webinar available from…

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PIA Priority is First Bill Signed in 2021-22 Session – Capitol Update 2-18-21

February 18, 2021

It was a busy week in Wisconsin Government – and a productive one for PIA’s top priorities! Tuesday marked an important day as it was the Governor’s official budget address, but it was also a session day in both the Senate and Assembly. Several bills were up for debate in each house, but most notably…

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PIAW Capitol Update

February 2, 2021

At the start of the year, PIA of Wisconsin announced the hiring of our new Communications Director and Lobbyist, Natalie White, who will lead our organization’s advocacy efforts at the Wisconsin State Capitol. As a former legislative staff member, Natalie brings a wealth of knowledge regarding the inner workings of our state government. January also…

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State DOR Guidance Imposes Surprise Tax on PPP Recipients

January 27, 2021

On January 15th, 2021, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue (DOR) issued guidance for the 2020 Tax Season. Many were surprised to find an unexpected interpretation by DOR in relation to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans that were issued by the federal government. The guidance sheet that was released expresses that expenses incurred that are…

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Avoid Gaps When Moving an Account

December 18, 2020

By Curt Pearsall, CPCU, AIAF, CPIA President – Pearsall Associates, Inc. and Special Consultant to the Utica National E&O Program Ask agency staff members when the last time was that they moved an account to a new carrier. They would likely say that it happens multiple times a week, possibly every day. When this happens,…

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