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Common COVID-19 P&C Coverage Questions Addressed*

Business Interruption Insurance:  Business interruption normally requires physical damage caused by a covered peril to impede the operation of a business and cause a loss of income.  Contingent business interruption insurance would also require a physical loss by a covered peril to a supplier’s property.  However, courts in some jurisdictions have ruled that income loss…

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The Badger Honor Flight

Featured Veteran in the Industry: Luke Strupp, Keener Insurance Solutions LLC, Germantown, WI Submitted by Bruce Urben, The Hanover Insurance Group The Wisconsin 1752 Club, in conjunction with the PIA of Wisconsin, are sponsoring a Badger Honor Flight for a veteran to visit their war memorial.  Additionally, throughout the year we will be highlighting current PIA…

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Stalwart PIA Leader Ron Von Haden Dies

Ron Von Haden, who for over four decades was a respected leader of PIA at both the state and national levels, has passed away. “Occasionally, there’s somebody who has played such a critical role in the long history of an organization—and done it so effectively—that there will never be another like them. That’s Ron,” said…

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Winter Driving Tips for New Teen Drivers

This post was originally published on the blog of West Bend Mutual Insurance Do you have a new or young driver in your household? If you do, chances are you’re a bit anxious about it. Add in some snow or sleet and it’s even harder to get used to seeing your young driver behind the…

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Governor Signs 2 Bills Backed by PIA of Wisconsin

PIA of Wisconsin was invited to the Governor’s Office to witness the signing of two important bills, on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.  Gov. Tony Evers signed one bill making Wisconsin the 46th state to regulate public adjusters and another that ended double-taxation of crop insurance.  PIAW advocated strongly for both of these bills. “When there’s…

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3 Wins at the End of the 2019-2020 Wisconsin Legislature’s Session

With only a few weeks to go in the 2019-2020 Session of the Wisconsin Legislature, three bills backed by PIA of Wisconsin appear headed for the Governor’s desk for a signature.  Each one is a victory for independent agents, our clients and our industry as a whole: Bill to Rein-In Public Adjusters Heads to Governor’s…

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Altered Terms Notification to Change to 45 Days in Wisconsin

The required notification period for altered terms to an insurance policy in Wisconsin is about to change. The Wisconsin Legislature has passed a bill that will reduce the notification period from 60 days to 45 days. A majority of states specify 30 days or less for altered terms notification, and carriers wanted to bring Wisconsin’s…

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Insurance Cybersecurity Legislation Passes State Assembly

Legislation to create cybersecurity standards for the insurance industry in Wisconsin has passed the Wisconsin Assembly and will likely pass the Wisconsin Senate, next week. This legislation (2019 Assembly Bill 819) creates standards for insurance businesses that will help protect customers’ private information from hackers.  Larger businesses will be required to conduct risk assessments, develop information…

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Winter Get-Away 2020 Was a Smashing Success

By Ann Linstroth, CISR, PWCAM I just returned from my first (and certainly not last!) Winter Get-Away with the PIAW, at The Waters of Minocqua.  We had a record turnout of 130, this year, including 80 agents!  A big thank you to Heidi Hodel and Brenda Steinbach for organizing and staffing a spectacular conference. The…

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State Senate Passes 2 of PIAW’s Top Priorities

Registration of public adjusters will become part of Wisconsin law if a bill that passed the state Senate on Tuesday is signed into law by Governor Tony Evers.  PIA of Wisconsin has lobbied in favor of regulating public adjusters who swoop into Wisconsin following natural disasters.  This is because some public adjusters convince desperate homeowners…

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