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How to Prevent Ice Dams This Winter

MADISON, Wisconsin (January 05, 2015) – Winter has gotten a head start in Wisconsin, with many residents already experiencing significant snow falls. Such early snow increases the time period for ice dams to occur. Ice dams are caused when the sun shines on your roof or warmth from the attic melts the snow…and as the…

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The PIAW, YPC to Award Scholarships to High School, College Students

Scholarship Applications are Due February 15, 2015 THE PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE AGENTS OF WISCONSIN, YOUNG PROFESSIONALS CLUB TO AWARD 10, $2,500 SCHOLARSHIPS TO HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE STUDENTS MADISON, Wisconsin (December 18, 2014) – The Professional Insurance Agents of Wisconsin (PIAW) Young Professionals Club, based in Madison, WI, is awarding $25,000 in scholarships to high school and…

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You Can Be Liable If Your Guests Have Too Much Holiday Cheer

The Professional Insurance Agents of Wisconsin remind you to protect yourself and your company MADISON, Wisconsin (December 4, 2014) – The holiday season is incredibly busy with gifts to buy, homes to decorate and parties to plan. In Wisconsin, those parties include plenty of fun, food, and beverages. And while no one wants to think…

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Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

MADISON, Wisconsin (November 15, 2014) – It seems that every day there is a new report of major data breaches for national companies such as JP Morgan and Home Depot as well as small local businesses. While you can’t stop large-scale data breaches, there are steps you can take to keep your identity safe during…

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Study Shows Adults Do Not Always Buckle Kids in Car Seats

MADISON, Wis (September 3, 2014) – September is Child Passenger Safety Month and a new study indicates that some adults are not always making sure children are properly buckled up. Recent findings by Safe Kids Worldwide indicate that one in four respondents admitted to having driven without their child buckled up in a car seat…

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Security and Safety Tips for College-Bound Students

MADISON, Wis. (August 1, 2014) – As students head to colleges or technical schools, they will be brimming with enthusiasm and hauling a bunch of belongings – computers, phones, TVs, jewelry and more. “Students assume that dorms are close environments and that everyone has the best of intentions. While most do, it makes sense to take some basic…

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Reasons to Hire a Veteran

Reasons to Hire a Veteran Accelerated learning curve Leadership Teamwork Diversity and inclusion in action Performance under pressure Respect for procedures Technology and globalization Integrity Conscious of health and safety standards Triumph over adversity Business Symposiums and Job Fairs The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs hosts regular business symposiums and job fairs to connect employers…

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Home Swimming Pools

Home Swimming Pools Can be Deadly for Young Children – 65% of Pool Related Deaths Occur at Child’s Own Home PIAW Offers Tips for Preventing Drowning MADISON, Wisconsin (July 9, 2014) – The Wisconsin Medical Journal reports that drowning is the second most common cause of accidental deaths in the state for children between 1…

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