Contact Us

Professional Insurance Agents of Wisconsin
725 Heartland Trail Ste 108
Madison, WI 53717
Office: 608-274-8188
Toll Free: 800-261-7429
Fax: 608-274-8195
Toll Free Fax: 866-203-7461
PIAW Staff

Pete Hanson, CAE, CISR
Executive Director
With the help of recruiting firm QTI, the PIAW conducted a national search to find a replacement for the retiring Ron Von Haden in 2018. Pete was recruited from Anchorage, Alaska, where he served as CEO of a trade association in the hospitality industry. A native of Madison, Pete has 20 years’ experience in Wisconsin government and government relations. He also brought to PIAW fourteen years’ experience in trade association management. Pete earned the Certified Association Executive designation from the American Society of Association Executives in 2014 and he served on the Wisconsin Property and Casualty Advisory Council for four years. Pete is also a licensed insurance agent.

Brenda Steinbach
Education & Convention Director
Brenda is the driving force behind our hugely successful education programs and annual convention. Arranging dates, locations, topics, speakers, food, CE credits, schedules, audio/visual and the myriad of other details can only be accomplished by someone who is extremely well organized and focused. She's an expert at our internal procedures and is always looking for ways to make your dues and program investments more valuable to you. Thousands of you see the results of her talents each year at education and convention events in Wisconsin and Brenda is held up as a national model by her peers from The Alliance.

Becca Bredeson
Administrative Assistant
Becca has unseen contact with every person who attends a CIC institute, a CISR course, and a PIAW seminar. You will see her at our Annual PIA Convention. She processes all registrations and files attendees CE credits. All new members and membership renewals are handled by Becca. She makes sure things get done "PIA perfect" and on time.

Heidi Hodel-Faris, CPIA, CIC
Insurance and Member Services Director
Heidi is many member's first contact with PIAW. She is working with members every day to facilitate access to PIA's many member beneifts, including E&O Insurance. Want to explore the options you have for insurance as a PIA member? Have a question about or need to make changes to your agency's current policy? Having a problem and interested in what resources PIA has to offer your agency? Heidi is your go-to!

Shirley Faherty
Executive Assistant/Bookkeeper
Shirley is hands-on coordinating all happenings at PIAW and is likely your first contact when you call the PIAW office. From managing all the bookkeeping and financials, to organizing mailings and making sure PIAW remains fully stocked with supplies for operation, Shirley makes sure things are situated to run smoothly! In addition, Shirley handles the planning and execution of our Annual PIA Scholarship Golf Outing.

Natalie White
Communications Director
Natalie is a registered lobbyist and advocates on behalf of insurance agents, in state government. Prior to joining our staff, she worked in the Wisconsin Senate for four years. Aside from lobbying and advocacy, Natalie also coordinates internal and external communications. She helps the rest of the staff to market other association functions, such as member benefits and education services, to members and the greater industry. This includes coordinating our newsletter and magazine content, marketing emails to members, managing social media content, updating our website, and writing press releases.
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