Educate. Advocate. Collaborate.
The Professional Insurance Agents of Wisconsin is a community of dedicated independent agents and insurance professionals, working to promote and improve the independent agency channel. Supporting the advancement and excellence of independent agencies is the core of our mission.
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We are the premier association of insurance education in Wisconsin. Grow your knowledge and your bottom line at our education sessions. Whether you want to pursue a professional designation or meet your Wisconsin CE requirements, you have come to the right place.
With two lobbyists representing you in Madison and many more in Washington D.C., PIA is working to protect the agency channel at both the state and federal level. Our goal is a regulatory environment that allows your agency to grow and prosper.
The community of PIA allows constant collaboration with other agents and industry professionals. Whether you are starting an agency, working to grow your agency, or considering new technologies, PIA members have diverse experience and insights to share. Collaborate with, learn from, and continue to grow alongside fellow PIA members at our many annual events like our Winter Get-Away, ENGAGE convention or golf outing.
Our Recent Posts
You Can Be Liable If Your Guests Have Too Much Holiday Cheer
The Professional Insurance Agents of Wisconsin remind you to protect yourself and your company MADISON, Wisconsin (December 4, 2014) – The holiday season is incredibly busy with gifts to buy, homes to decorate and parties to plan. In Wisconsin, those parties include plenty of fun, food, and beverages. And while…
Read MoreProfessional Agents of Wisconsin Encourage Vets to Consider Insurance as a Career Opportunity
MADISON, Wis (November 3, 2014) – The Professional Insurance Agents of Wisconsin (PIAW) realizes it can be difficult to find a job with our unsettled economy and urges veterans to consider the field of insurance as a rewarding career option. According to the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW)…
Read MoreProtect Yourself from Identity Theft
MADISON, Wisconsin (November 15, 2014) – It seems that every day there is a new report of major data breaches for national companies such as JP Morgan and Home Depot as well as small local businesses. While you can’t stop large-scale data breaches, there are steps you can take to…
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