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PIA Legislative Advocacy


While you are tending to your business with clients, PIA of Wisconsin is tending to your business in the Wisconsin Capitol. As PIA members, you have two registered lobbyists working for you in Madison, including Executive Director Pete Hanson.

PIA monitors all the bills and administrative rules that are introduced, looking carefully at proposals that relate to the insurance and financial services industry. PIA advocates in favor of proposals that are good for agents and the independent channel and works against those that might harm independent agents or the industry as a whole.

In Washington, D.C., you have a team of federal lobbyists at PIA National working for your interests in the House, Senate, White House and in regulatory agencies.

PIA advocacy efforts have helped secure recent successes such as:

  • COVID-19 Liability Protections for businesses, schools, and other organizations.
  • Broadband expansion funding to strengthen Wisconsin’s economy and business capabilities.
  • Senate Bill 160, which sets manageable cybersecurity standards and maintains control at the state level.
  • Updating Wisconsin’s raze order statutes to exhibit indemnity in the raze order process.
  • Updating travel insurance statutes to be consistent with NAIC recommendations and adding consumer protections.

Want to know how you can help? If you are interested in defending and promoting independent agents, you can help by:

Being a member of PIA of Wisconsin! Your membership dues pay for the activities described above

Donate to the Professional Insurance Agents PAC or the PIAW Legislative Conduit. These two funds are used to make contributions to candidates and lawmakers who tend to support policies that independent agents support.

Contacting your local lawmakers when you see an alert from PIA of Wisconsin. If you would be interested in becoming a grassroots advocate for yourself and your fellow agents, contact PIAW Communications Director Natalie White. (608) 274-8188 or

Click here for a list of bills we have identified as of interest to PIA members and our registered position on each bill.

For information on current efforts by PIA National's Government Affairs, click here.

Information on 2017 Wisconsin Act 241 and Notice to Clients

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